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Umzumbe Accommodation

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Umzumbe - South Coast, KwaZulu Natal © Beach Rose Cottage


The small village of uMzumbe, nestled in wild and thick dune forest, is situated one hundred kilometers to the South of Durban between the Mzumbe and Ingambili Rivers. It is believed that the area was once home to a vicious group of cannibals and renegades, and therefore locals named the river, or "Bad Kraal".The village grew up around a farm known as Ballymuddle in the early part of the 20th Century.

For many years uMzumbe has become known as a haven for retired people, fishermen and holidaying families who stayed in the cottages or at the rambling Pumula Hotel in the village, one of the jewels of the South Coast. Fishing and diving in the uMzumbe area is excellent while spearfishing is also popular with large brusher and garrick often being caught there. Northwards, the shallower reefs are home to monster sized crayfish, though a licence is needed to extract them. Dolphins are often seen here too, and in July and September visitors can often witness whales making their way along the coast.The area also produces great waves, resulting in excellent surfing, whilst other water sports like windsurfing are also popular.

Legend has it that the area was once inhabited by the Hlongwa people, until King Shaka overrun the settlement and drove them off. Upon his successful return he stopped on a ridge looking down on a valley, and asked his ancestors for their blessing.
He performed a local Zulu custom by picking up a pebble, spitting on it and placing it back on the ground. Shaka's army of warriors copied their king and a huge pile of pebbles was formed. The famous isivivane or "lucky pile of pebbles" can still be seen at uMzumbe today.

A huge effort has been under way for several years now to bring life back into this tired old village. A local architect has drawn up a map showing shipwrecks, forests, and nature reserves, meandering rivers, prime locations for adventure sports and sites of historical, religious and cultural significance. There's also an initiative to create a tourism route inland, one of the least-known and most beautiful areas of KwaZulu-Natal.

WhereToStay Umzumbe accommodation ranges from a variety of specific categories such as Umzumbe self catering accommodation to Umzumbe b and b accommodation and many more.

More sought after Umzumbe accommodation categories include Umzumbe pet-friendly and Umzumbe wheelchair-friendly accommodation. If you are specifically pursuing these Umzumbe accommodation categories, then we highly recommend that you contact the accommodation owner directly to ensure that the facilities are satisfactory and to your liking.
The Umzumbe pet-friendly accommodation and the Umzumbe wheelchair-friendly accommodation facilities can vary between large Umzumbe Hotels as well as small room only accommodation. Self catering Umzumbe accommodation will occupy the majority of these listings.

99% of all Umzumbe guest houses listed on WhereToStay will display rates for your convenience. Occasionally a Umzumbe guest house will ask you to request a quotation.
WhereToStay tries to keep the Umzumbe self catering and Umzumbe b&b standards at the highest levels relative to tariffs charged. Misleading advertising related to any listings of Umzumbe B&B and Umzumbe self catering accommodation should be reported so that WhereToStay can act accordingly.

See our full list of Umzumbe accommodation special categories at the top of this page


WhereToStay Umzumbe Akkommodasie wissel van `n verskeidenheid van spesifieke categoriee soos Umzumbe selfsorg akkommodasie, Umzumbe, b en b blyplekke en nog veel meer.

Meer gesogte Umzumbe slaapplek kategoriee sluit in Umzumbe troeteldier-vriendelike blyplekke en Umzumbe rolstoel-vriendelike akkommodasie.
As jy spesifiek vrae oor die voorsetting van hierdie Umzumbe blyplekke, sal dit raadsaam wees om kontak met die eienaars te maak om te verseker dat die fasiliteite bevredend is en na you hart.

Die Umzumbe troeteldier-vriendelike verblyf en Umzumbe rolstoel-vriendelike vakansie blyplekke kan wissel tussen Umzumbe Hotelle asook klein kamer akkommodasie in Umzumbe. Umzumbe selfsorg slaapplekke sal die meerderheid van hiedie inskrywings beset.

99% van alle Umzumbe gastehuise gelys op WhereToStay sal pryse vertoon vir u gerief. Soms sal `n Umzumbe gastehuis vra om `n kwotasie te versoek.

WhereToStay probeer om die lys van Umzumbe slaapplek standaarde op die hoogste vlakke (relatief tot tariewe) gehef hou.

Misleidende advertensies wat verband hou met enige lys van Umzumbe blyplekke moet aangemeld word sodat WhereToStay kan daarvolgens optree.





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Umzumbe Accommodation, South Coast
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